牛轭学校正在招收二年级学生, junior, senior, 以及2024年秋季和2025年春季学期的间隔年申请, 和2024年夏季艺术学院.

Oxbow欢迎有上进心、有好奇心、乐于学习的申请人. APPLY NOW 一个学期或一个夏天都不一样! Oxbow is rolling admissions for all 2024 + 2025 semester and summer programs and will continue to accept applications until all programs are fully enrolled. 2024年夏季有兴趣的申请者, Fall 2024, 或2025年春季应该计划尽快完成他们的材料.


Questions? Email us at: admissions@rockstonesurfing.net


Online Application

为了开始申请流程,请填写 the online form and select the Fall, Spring, or Summer Oxbow program you are interested in applying for.

完成此步骤后, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create a login for the application portal. Please note, 您的用户名是您的电子邮件地址 .oxbow at the end. (ex. test@school.com.oxbow). 材料可以通过 application portal or emailed to admissions@rockstonesurfing.net.

Oxbow皇冠平台登录团队将与您联系,帮助您完成申请, 如有需要,协助你申请学费补助, 回答你们的任何问题. 请随时直接与我们联系 admissions@rockstonesurfing.net.



  • 任何媒介的自画像
  • 家长/监护人声明
  • 学生问卷调查
  • A copy of your most recent official high school transcript (Must be signed and mailed or emailed to Oxbow directly from your school)
  • 两位老师的建议(教师须知PDF)
  • 一篇300字的文章,主题如下. 如果申请间隔学期,请使用下面的间隔学期提示:

1. “艺术是使我们认识真理的谎言。.” - Pablo Picasso. Choose one work of art or one artist that allowed you to realize a truth about yourself and/or the world around you. Discuss.

2. Choose a contemporary (Post WWII) work of art that you think best reflects a self-portrait of you. Describe.

3. 设想一下自己50年后的未来. 你刚刚完成了250页的自传. 第三章是怎么开始的?

间隔学期申请人论文提示 (Not required for students looking to attend Oxbow as sophomores, juniors or seniors)

  • Describe a project and area of interest that you would like to focus on during your semester as a Gap student. 你想深入探讨哪些开放式问题? 你想专注于哪个工作室? If you would like to pursue a leadership role within the The Oxbow School community or pursue an internship, please explain the skills you would like to develop during your semester as a gap student. 领导角色可能包括:工作室助教, 烹饪艺术实习生, 小学志愿者, 或住宿生活协调员.



  • 任何媒介或风格的自画像
  • 家长/监护人声明
  • 学生问卷调查

材料可以通过 application portal or emailed to admissions@rockstonesurfing.net.


At Oxbow, we are fully committed to working with you and your school to best support your experience on campus and return to your sending school. Oxbow regularly hosts students from some of the nation's top public and private high schools and has over twenty years of experience helping students stay on track with their academic needs. The first step in our application process is for families to meet with their sending school and review our Curriculum Guide 与辅导员或顾问. This will allow your sending school to assist you in planning your class schedule. 请随时皇冠平台皇冠平台登录主任, Jason Tucker, with any questions about working with your sending school - we are here to help you with any questions that may arise.

有问题可以直接问Jason Tucker,皇冠平台登录主任 jason@rockstonesurfing.net or 707.363.0449.


Math and Language

对于那些将在牛堡学习数学和/或世界语言的学生, we suggest that you meet with your sending school math and/or language instructor to ensure that work completed at Oxbow will satisfy the sending school diploma requirements, and to collect books, 教学大纲和其他任何支持你在Oxbow工作所需的材料. Oxbow requires all accepted students to complete an online course form with their sending school counselor or advisor.

Online Courses

Some students have found that online courses can be a way to earn credit for coursework not offered at Oxbow. 在线课程的学分由发送学校自行决定. Please talk to your school and Oxbow's Academic Dean about online coursework to ensure that you will receive credit for any online courses before you arrive at Oxbow.


因为学科之间的整合是牛津大学学术研究的核心, 我们不提供大学先修课程. 然而,我们每个学期都有几个学生选择继续他们的A.P. studies by following along with the sending school curriculum or taking an online course in addition to the core curriculum at Oxbow. The ability to manage such a workload is very demanding; therefore, 建议学生把独立学习的时间限制在A.P. 最多两类. 参加微积分大学先修课程考试的学生, 英语语言及写作, 英国文学与写作, U.S. 历史和环境科学在每年春季的考试中都表现得很好. Lab sciences are not recommended as Oxbow does not have any lab facilities on campus.

需要修A的学生.P. while at Oxbow are urged to set up regular support with their respective teacher(s) prior to enrolling. 这对A很重要.P. 学生明白,这将需要额外的工作之前, during, 在牛津大学毕业后. 学生们被鼓励自主管理他们的A.P. 在自己的时间完成工作. Oxbow alumni who took on the additional work enthusiastically say it was worth it to attend Oxbow.

如果学生打算拿A.P. exam in the Spring, they must register for this test through their sending school A.P. Coordinator in the Fall semester and sign up for the “late testing” date to be taken at home. 学生不可以注册选修A.P. 春季学期在纳帕进行考试.


It may not be possible for students enrolled in full IB (International Baccalaureate) programs to continue IB coursework while at Oxbow; students enrolled in full or partial IB programs should consult with their sending schools to ensure that they will receive credit for Oxbow coursework.


The Oxbow School is fully accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and a proud member of the National Arts Education Association (NAEA), 艺术学校网络, 学期学校网络, 和全国独立学校协会(NAIS). The Oxbow School is a non-profit organization as designated under section 501(c)(3).

在考虑入学申请时, 牛轭学校没有种族歧视, color, sex, creed, sexual orientation, 或国家或种族出身.